What is WWW? Write
difference between WWW and Internet.
List and explain
different types of CSS selectors with example.
Write short note on
Uniform Resource Locator.
Explain the following
HTML tags with the help of example:
(i) < br>
(ii)<pre> (iii) <h6> (iv) <p> (v) <a>
What is proxy server?
Discuss its application with reference to internet.
Explain different
types of lists available in HTML with the help of example
List and explain
important applications of internet in brief.
Explain different
approaches to style sheets.
Write a short note on
internet address.
How hyperlinks are
created in HTML? Explain with the help of an example.
What is search
engine? Explain its working
What is internet?
Explain any two applications of internet.
Write a short note on
domain name server.
Write a short note on
search engine.
Explain the structure
of HTML5 file.
List different
formatting tags. Explain with example any three of them.
List and explain
different types of cascading style sheets.
How to format and
position a division on a web page? Explain with example
How will you create
graphical navigation bar? Explain with example.
Explain <audio>
and <video> tags in HTML 5.
Write HTML Code to
design a web page with Image Maps.
List and explain any
five HTML Form controls with example
What is image map?
Write the difference between client-side and server-side
Image mapping.
Write the purpose of
using: rowspan, colspan, cellspacing and cellpadding in Table
tag. Give example.
Write HTML code for
embedding an audio and video in a web page.
Explain the semantic
tags of HTML5.
Write HTML code to
design a form to enter name of the user, his/her password,
and gender (radio
button for male/female), hobbies (checkbox for
favorite color (list box red/green/blue) and submit and reset button.
Explain <DIV>
tag with the help of suitable example
Explain with example
how text based navigation bar is created.
What is image map?
Explain with example server side image map.
List various HTML5
semantic tags. Explain with example any four of them.
Explain following
attributes of td tag:
i. rowspan ii.
colspan iii. width iv. valign v. bgcolor
Write a HTML5 program
to display college admission form.
List various tags
used to embed audio in a page. Explain with example any two of them.
Write a short note on
“for…in” looping statement in JavaScript.
Write a program in
JavaScript to accept a sentence from the user and display the number
of words in it. (Do
not use split ( ) function).
Explain following
(i)onclick (ii)
onfocus (iii) onmouseover (iv) onload (v) onerror
Write a JavaScript
program using various methods of Date Object.
Write a short note on
comparison and logical operators in JavaScript.
List various features
of JavaScript
Differentiate between
client side and server side JavaScript.
Write a JavaScript
program to display all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
List and explain the
methods of string object of JavaScript.
Explain the following
operators of JavaScript:
(ii) delete (iii) this (iv) void (v) ,(Comma)
Define events and
event handlers. List various types of mouse event
Explain any five
special operators of java script.
Write html code to
display factorial of number entered by user.(use do while loop)
What is the purpose
of break and continue statement. Give suitable example.
Explain regular
expression in java script.
List different
methods of document object. Explain with example any two of them.
Explain following
event attributes:
i. onblur ii.
onchange iii. ondblclick iv. onkeydown v. onmousedown
What is PHP? Write
the advantages of using PHP for server-side web scripting.
Write a PHP code to
find the greater of two numbers. Accept the numbers from the user.
Explain any five
string functions available in PHP with example.
What are the
different methods available in PHP for passing the information from one page to
another? Explain.
Write a short note on
PHP data types.
Explain associative array
in PHP with the help of example.
Write the difference
between GET and POST methods in PHP.
Explain different
types of arrays available in PHP.
Write a PHP program
to demonstrate the use of different string functions.
Explain error
handling in PHP.
Write a short note on
variables in PHP.
Write a PHP program
to create one dimensional array.
How PHP variables are
used? Explain with example.
Write down the rules
to determine the “truth” of any value not already of the Boolean type:
Explain doubly quoted
strings in PHP. Give suitable example.
Explain the ternary
operator with example.
Write the purpose of
following string methods:
i. strcasecmp ii.
strrpos iii. strstr iv. chop v. strtolower
List and explain
functions for inspecting arrays.
Explain following
PHP/MYSQL functions:
(i) mysql_connect ( )
(ii) mysql_close ( ) (iii) mysql_query ( )
(iv) mysql_select_db
( ) (v) mysql_error ( )
Write a PHP program
to demonstrate the use of cookies in PHP.
Compare POSIX and
PERL style Regular expressions of PHP.
List various HTTP
functions available in PHP. Explain header ( ) function in detail.
Write a PHP program
to create a database named “employee”. Create a table named
“salary” with
following fields (eid, ename, esalary). Insert 3 records of your choice.
Display the names of
the employees whose salary is between 15000 to 20000 in a tabular format.
Write a short note on
PHP Session.
What is a cookie? How
to store and retrieve the values in cookie in PHP?
Explain any five
PHP/MYSQL functions with example.
Write a PHP program
to send email with attachment.
How to start and
destroy a session and how to store a session variable in PHP?
Write a short note on
regular expressions in PHP.
Write a PHP code to
create a database “Company” and to create a table
“Employee” (emp_id,
Explain join with
suitable example.
List various fetching
functions. Explain with example any two of them.
List and explain
function used to create database programmatically.
Write a PHP program
to display boolean data from database on checks button.
Write down the use of
following PHP-MySQL functions
ii. mysql_data_seek iii. mysql_fetch_array
mysql_field_type v.
Explain following
session functions:
i. session_register
ii. session_is_registered iii. session_unset
iv. session_decode v.