FYBSC IT ( SEM 2 ) C ++
What is procedure oriented Programming? What are its
Differentiate between Object Oriented and Procedure &
Oriented Programming
Discuss procedure oriented programming paradigm. Also
discuss its characteristics.
What is object oriented programming paradigm? Discuss its
Discuss the need and advantages of Object Oriented
Discuss various applications of Object Oriented Programming.
What do you mean by Dynamic and static binding.
Write a short notes on (i) Object (ii) Class
Define any two of the following
(i) Classes (ii) Objects (iii) Data abstraction
Discuss benefits and applications of oops.
Write a short note on data abstraction and data
Write down advantages and disadvantages of procedure
oriented language.
Explain object oriented development.
Write down benefits of using object oriented programming.
Write a short note on Data abstraction and data
Explain dynamic binding with example. Give proper example.
What is inheritance? Explain with example the concept of
multiple inheritances
What is a class? Illustrate the use of class with a simple
c++ program.
What are inline functions? How an outside function can be
made inline?
What is a constructor? Explain its characteristics. List
various types of constructors?
What are friend functions? What are their characteristics?
Write a small program to
Illustrate the use of a friend function.
Explain the use of parameterized constructors with a
programming example.
What do you understand from nesting of member functions?
Explain with suitable programming example
What is friend function? Write a friend function to display
mark sheet of the F. Y. B.Sc. IT student.
What is class? Explain with example how objects are passed
as argument to member function and objects are returned from member function.
What is inline function? Explain with example.
What is use of constructor? Explain with example
parameterized constructor.
Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of constructor
and destructor.
What are objects? How they can be declared? Also discuss
memory allocation for objects in object oriented programming
How data members and member functions of a class can be
accessed. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of accessing public
members of a class.
What is a constructor? List various types of constructors.
Explain copy constructor
What is a friend function? How it can be declared? What are
its characteristics?
What is Member function ? explain the nesting of member functions
What is function
overloading? Explain with suitable example.
What is operator
overloading? List the operators which can be overloaded and which cannot be
Write a c++ program
to overload unary minus operator.
What are virtual
functions? Explain.
Define the following
(i) Abstract Class
(ii) Pure Virtual Function
What is a pointer?
Write a program to illustrate its use
What is operator
overloading? Write down the rules for operator overloading.
How binary operators
are overloaded? Write a C++ program to overload binary operator +.
What is method
overriding? Explain with example.
Explain with example
abstract class.
Explain virtual
destructor. Give suitable example
What is this pointer?
Write a C++ program to demonstrate use of this pointer.
What are virtual
functions? What are the rules for writing virtual functions?
What do you
understand from the concept of inheritance? Explain its various types.
Explain the use of
various visibility modes used in inheritance.
Discuss the role of
constructors in derived classes in detail.
What is an exception?
What are advantages of exception handling mechanism in a
Explain the concept
of throw and catch with suitable example.
Write a c++ program
to illustrate multilevel inheritance.
Can private members
of a base class are inheritable? Justify.
Explain with example
multilevel inheritance.
Explain how a base
class is derived in public and private mode.
What is exception?
Explain exceptions handling mechanism?
What happen when raised
exception is not caught by catch block? Explain with suitable example.
What are class
templates? Explain their use. How a class template can be declared?
Explain function
template with a programming example.
Write a c++ program
to implement bubble sort using function template.
Explain the working
of files in c++.
Explain various
methods to detect end of file in a c++ program.
Explain the following
(i) seekg() (ii) seekp()
Explain with example
how function templates are used.
Explain how compiler
calls to a class and function template.
Write a C++ program
which defines and uses student class template.
What is file? Write
down the steps for manipulating files in C++.
Explain the hierarchy
of file stream class.
What are different
methods of opening a file? Write a program to open file and enter student
details into the file using any method.
Explain various
methods to detect end of file.
Write a program to
open two files country and capital simultaneously and print the Name of the
capital in front of the country.
Explain the use and
purpose of following functions
(i) seekg() and
(ii) tellg() and
What are class
templates? Explain their use. How they can be declared?
Define a class named
vector. Illustrate the use of vector class template for performing the scalar
product of int type vectors as well as float type vectors.
What is a function
template? Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of function templates?