(Study notes)
Human Resource Management - Concept, Functions, Importance, Traditional v/s Strategic
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Planning - Concept Steps in Human Resource Planning
Job Analysis - Concept, Components
Job design - Concept, Techniques
Recruitment - Concept, Sources of Recruitment
Selection - Concept, process , Techniques of E-selection
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development - Concept, functions
Training - Concept, Process of identifying training and development needs, Methods of
Training & Development (Apprenticeship, understudy, job rotation, vestibule training, case
study, role playing, sensitivity training, In, basket, management games)
Evaluating training effectiveness- Concept, Methods
Performance Appraisal - Concept, Benefits, Limitations, Methods
Potential Appraisal - Concept, Importance
Career Planning-Concept, Importance
Succession Planning-Concept, Need
Mentoring-Concept, Importance
Counseling - Concept, Techniques
Human Relations
Human Relations - Concept, Significance
Leadership - Concept, Transactional & Transformational Leadership
Motivation - Concept, Theories of Motivation (Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory, Vroom's
Expectancy Theory, McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y, Pink's Theory of Motivation)
Employees Morale - Concept, Factors affecting Morale, Measurement of Employees Morale
Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient - Concept, Factors affecting EQ & SQ
Employee Grievance - Causes, Procedure for Grievance redressal
Employee welfare measures and Health & Safety Measures
Trends in Human Resource Management
HR in changing environment: Competencies-concept, classification, Learning organizations-Concept, Creating an innovative organization, Innovation culture - Concept, Need, Managerial role
Trends in Human Resource Management: Employee Engagement - Concept, Types Human resource Information System (HRIS) - Concept, Importance Changing patterns of employment
Challenges in Human Resource Management: Employee Empowerment, Workforce Diversity. Attrition, Downsizing, Employee Absenteeism, Work life Balance, Sexual Harassment at work place, Domestic and International HR Practices, Millennial (Gen Y) Competency Mapping