Monday, 31 July 2023

S.S.C 2024 most important questions science 1 c.h.p 1 gravitation

 S.S.C 2024 most important questions 

science 1 c.h.p 1 gravitation


The minimum velocity of a spacecraft to escape from gravitational force is ………

The value of gravitational acceleration (g) is ………..

The ……………..force is much weaker than other forces in nature.

The value of universal gravitational constant (G) in SI unit is…………

The gravitational force between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the masses of those bodies and is ……….of the distance between them.

The square of its period of revolution around the sun is directly proportional to the ……….. Of the mean distance of a planet from the sun.

The orbit of a planet revolving around a star is ……

A ……. Is necessary to change the speed as well as the direction of motion of an object.

The value of gravitational acceleration (g) is …………at the equator

The free fall of an object is possible only in…….

The weight of any object on the moon is nearly …………of the weight of the earth

A person weighs 60 N on earth. His weight on the moon will be……

Newton presented the laws of motion, equations of motion and theory of gravitation in his book…….

Laws of planetary motion were discovered by ……………………….

True or false

If the distance between two masses is doubled, the gravitational force between them becomes less than the previous force.

The CGS unit of G is

The value of gravitational acceleration with the centre of the earth is zero.

The value of g is highest at the equator.

The value of G varies from place to place.

As it rises above the earth's surface, its value increases.

The speed of release of an object does not depend on the mass of the object.

Mass is a qualitative measure of the inertia of an object.

Distinguish between

Mass and weight

Give scientific reasons

The weight of the object changes from place to place while the mass is constant

Answer the following

Explain why value of g changes if we go inside the earth

If mass of 2 bodies are m1 and m2 respectively and if distance between them is 3d then force F =

State the 3 planetary laws of KEPLER or of the given figure showing orbit of a planet write the 3 laws related to it

Will the weight of an object on earth will be same as that on mars? Why

What is Free Fall, acceleration due to gravity, escape velocity and centripetal force?

A stone thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity u reaches a height h before coming down show that the time taken to go up is same as time taken to come down.

Let the period of revolution of a planet at a distance R from a star be T. Prove that if it was at a distance of 2R from the star, its period of revolution will be √8T.