Solar energy
is radiant light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using a of range ever-evolving
technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, solar
architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.
It is an
essential source. Of renewable energy, and its technologies are broadly
characterized as either passive or
active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy and Convert it into solar power. Active solar
techniques include use of photovoltaic systems concentrated solar power and solar
water heating. Passive Solar technique include orienting a building to the sun
,selecting materials with favourable thermal mass or light dispersing
properties, and designing Spaces that naturally circulate air
The large magnitude of solar energy available makes it highly appealing Source of electricity The United Nations Development Program in its 2000 World. Energy Assessment found that the annual potential of solar energy was 1.575-49.837 (EJ). This is Several times larger than the total world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ in 2012 in 2011 the International Energy Agency said. That "the development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies will have huge longer term benefits. It will increase Countries energy security through reliance on indigenous, inexhaustible, and mostly important independent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of mitigating global warming and keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise. These advantages are global. Hence. Additional Costs of the incentives for early development should be considered learning investments; they must be wisely spent and need to be widely shared.
Solar energy has been used for thousands of years in many different ways by people all over the world. The oldest uses of solar energy is for heating, cooking and drying. Today, it is also make electricity where other power supplies are not there, such as in places far from where people live, and in outer Space .It is becoming cheaper to make electricity from solar energy. Because the Sun always gives heat and light solar energy can be considered an alternative to non- renewable resources like coal and oil.
One of the
most troubling issues of today is the rising cost of energy. Energy costs are
on the rise the as Earth's resources are being depleted little by little. Luckily.
Technology has provided new resources from natural entities, such as solar energy.
Though demand for energy continues to rise these are things every homeowner can
do in order to lower their Costs and help the environment.
It has the least negative impact on environment compared to any other energy resource. It does not produce any greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. It also requires very little water for its maintenance, unlike nuclear power plants for example, needing 20 times more water. Solar energy production. Does not create any noise, which is a major benefit since any a lot of solar installations are in urban areas such as domestic solar panels.
The grid is
less vulnerable to blackouts if there are many power plants which are spread out.
A grid with high penetration of solar energy has thousands of energy production
centers which are widely. Spread out. This improves the security of the grid in
case of an overload, natural or human-caused disasters. Using solar systems
boost the economy and positively affects the local community.
Solar energy
is radiant light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using a of range
ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaic, solar thermal
energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial
Some of
these objectives are:
Energy saving:
Solar energy
uses less powerful LED / CFL Lamps. Less powerful electronic components, etc.
They do not consume as much energy as standard electrical systems.
Environmentally friendly:
environmentally sustainable growth while addressing India's energy security
challenges. Create an environment conductive to the penetration of solar
technology throughout the mission objective. In the country...
Solar panels
are easy to install usually only requiring to install, a few bolts to keep them
secure and basic wiring. Solar energy systems can charge a bit more for a
simple installation Low-voltage direct current is much Safer to use than
standard electricity.
Most of
today's solar systems use a backup battery that can store more than three days
of the energy needed to keep the system running this way if the Sun does not
come out you'll still have electricity for few days
The in the
higher penetration of renewable in the energy portfolios of Several communities
accentuates the need of accurate Solar energy forecast at several different
temporal scales in order to achieve power grid balance. Solar generation
technologies have experienced strong energy market growth in the past few years
with corresponding increase in local grid penetration rates.
As is the
Case with wind, the solar resource at the ground level is highly variable
mostly due to cloud cover variability, atmospheric aerosol levels, and
indirectly and to lesser extent, participating gases in the atmosphere. That
makes it even more difficult
Solar forecast provides a critical input for predicting a solar power plant's at various points in the future. As discussed above, solar plant predictions provide grid operators, utilities, and market participants data for use in decision Support tools, including scheduling reserve capacity or developing bidding strategies for hour- ahead and day - ahead wholesale power markets. These different uses of solar predictions require different types of forecasts. For example, a forecast power may apply to a single PV system (point forecast) or refer to the aggregation of large numbers of an distributed PV systems spread over extended geographic area (area forecast) A forecast that focuses the rate of change in solar power Output be may needed for decision Support tools designed to predict significant ramp events on regional grids. Solar power prediction methods" physical or are generally characterized as physical or statistical, however in practice the lines between these approaches is blurred. Physical approaches explicitly model physical atmospheric phenomenon as part of the irradiance prediction using numerical weather prediction (NWP) models or Sky images. Statistical approaches predict irradiance from training and statistically derived values. For example a physical approach may use developing cloud vector-based forecasts via interpolation of recent
sky images and statistical approach may use current historical output alone to
predict future output. NWP model outputs can also be fed into Statistical
models to improve the forecast, but often it is the case where physical NWP
models have to be developed and run at higher spatial and temporal resolutions
than the general NWP models. The solar plant simulation Component of a forecasting
system is often a separate module that Uses the required meteorological
forecasts (e.g., irradiance, ambient temperature, and wind speed) as inputs,
and can also be in the form of a physical model with known specifications that
can be modelled or a statistically derived one. Solar forecast providers in
practice draw from multiple forecasting methods to tailor solar plant power
predictions to end-user needs.
The solar
energy harvesting is most commonly associated with the solar panels. The
commercialized adoption of solar energy harvesting spans a variety of
applications that provide astounding amounts of energy to the world.
The photovoltaic solar panels use the sun's power to create a flow of electricity. This is the most widely adopted method of harvesting solar energy today These panels, which range in size from a few square centimeter to few square meters constructed many PV cells arranged in an intricate matrix. The larger surface area available for Sunlight to penetrate the PV cells, the more the energy gets harvested. Each PV Solar more cell is generally made of a compound semiconductor wafer structure which either be a monocrystalline or poly crystalline - structure. The structure's two this semiconductor waters, one P-type and. One N-type, are each grown separately The two wafers are placed on top of each other, and the natural reaction that occurs between the two Semiconductor types creates a depletion Zone that reaches an equilibrium point, without generating any electricity.
The -energy
of electromagnetic radiation that the Sun produces a broad spectrum of
radiation of many different wave lengths, including infrared. This Spectrum
efficiently transfers thermal energy to bodies. That can absorb it. Elements
that can effectively absorb this thermal electromagnetic energy are referred to
as 'black bodies' as the colour black absorbs all. Wavelengths of radiation
that are visible to the eye. An ideal black body can correctly absorb and emit
all wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum
The great
example of a thermal solar energy harvesting application that's commonly
implemented in sunny climates around the globe is a water heater. The simplest
version of heater system uses a pump to circulate cool water through a black
body panel this visually resembles a PV solar panel, where the black surface
efficiently absorbs thermal energy, which is then. Cooled by the circulated
water, thereby heating the water. The water is continually circulated through
this loop, creating water throughout the solar activity. Some systems can forgo
a pump system by utilizing the buoyancy created by the heated water. This Warm
water floats and the colder water sinks producing low amounts of flow in the
system, creating a thermo siphon
The solar energy harvesting technology is increasingly utilized as an alternative to electricity generated by fossil fuel. Increases in efficiencies and process optimizations will. Continue to unveil the productivity of Solar harvesting efforts and eliminate the need for fossil fuel use altogether.
materials emit radiation (electromagnetic waves) in proportion to the fourth
power of their temperature. Solar radiation is a radioactive energy in the
wavelength range of 0.29-3 µm. It accounts for about 97.10 of all radiated
energy from the Sun, whose surface temperature is about 6,000 K. Around 50% of
its energy is concentrated into wavelength region visible to the human eye.
The two
types of instruments used for observing solar radiation at the Aero logical
Observatory are 1) those that measure Solar energy integrated Over a wide
wavelength range and 2) those that measure spectral solar irradiance at
specific wavelengths.
The former
are thermopile sensors Such as perihelion meters and pyrometers, which convert
incoming solar energy into thermal energy and output a voltage proportional to
solar radiation to line with the thermo electric effect. The latter type
disperses Solar light via optical filter, diffraction grating or Similar and
photodiodes or photodiode arrays often used to measure the irradiance of the
are dispersed light
Solar irradiance data obtained using a Sun photometer are adopted for aerosol
optical depth calculation by the aero logical Observatory!
Some of
these observation types:
Direct solar
This is
Solar energy directly reaches the earth's surface from the Sun. It defined as direct
solar energy per unit area of a plane perpendicular to direct solar beam
solar radiation:
This is solar
energy that reaches the earth's surface from all directions of the sky via
diffusion and reflection by way of an atmospheric Component. It is defined as
diffused solar energy arriving per unit area on a horizontal plane.
Global Solar
This is the
total solar energy that reaches the earth's surface from all directions of the
sky. It is defined arriving per unit area Reflected Solar radiation! As a total
solar energy horizontal plane.
solar radiation
This is
solar energy that reaches the earth's Surface and is then reflected upward. It
is defined as per unit the total upward solar energy arriving per unit area on a
horizontal plane.
pyrbeliometers and pyrometers are used for observation of solar radiation.
Solar energy absorbed at the thermopile Sensor of an instrument is converted to
heat, and the sensor then generates a voltage output. The sensor is covered
with a glass dome to eliminate the effects of wind and rain. Ventilation
equipment is also provided to improve measurement stability.
Direct Solar
This type of
radiation is observed using pyriheliometer mounted on a solar tracker to ensure
that Sun beams are directed towards the instrument throughout the year
solar radiation
This type of
radiation is observed using a pyrometer mounted horizontally. It is known that
pysonometer errors caused by the elevation angle and azimuth of the sun. To
significantly reduce such errors, the aero logical Observatory calculates
global solar radiation at the Sum of the horizontal component of direct solar
radiation and diffuse solar radiation.
Global Solar
This type of
radiation. Is observed using a pyrometer horizontally mounted on Solar tracker
with its glass dome shaded a from Solar beams.
Reflected solar
This type of
radiation is observed using a pyrometer mounted honzontally downward on a pole
above the ground at a height of 1.5-2 m.
The solar
radiation observation data are acquired in one- second samplings from Sunrise to
Sunset every day, and their quality is checked to meet the requirements of the
Baseline Surface Radiation Network.
The Sun is
an extremely powerful energy source, and sunlight is by far the largest Source
of energy received by Earth, but its intensity at earth's surface is quite low.
This is essentially because the enormous radial spreading from the distant Sun.
A minor
additional loss is also due to Earth's atmosphere and clouds, which absorb or scatter
as much 54 percent of the incoming Sunlight. The sunlight that reaches the
ground consists of nearly 50 percent visible light, 45 percent infrared
radiation, and smaller amounts of ultraviolet and other forms. Of
electromagnetic radiation
potential for solar energy is enormous, since about 200.000 times the world's
total daily electric generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the
form of solar energy. Unfortunately, though solar the high energy itself is
free the high cost of its collection, conversion and storage still limits its
exploitation in many places Solar radiation can be converted either into
thermal energy (heat) or into electrical energy, though the former is easier to
Solar energy
cost and data analysis examines technology costs, location specific competitive
advantages policy impacts on system financing, and detailed levelled cost of
energy (LCOE) analysis. It also helps to assess the performance and reliability
of solar energy facilities, predict energy output, and increase Situational
awareness for utility system operators.
plays an important role in soft costs reduction and advancing domestic
manufacturing. Analysing solar data helps the industry to understand how Solar
energy cost reductions occur Over time and helps the and U.S. Department of
Energy Solar Energy. Technologies Office (SETO) identify areas of Opportunity
where further cost reductions exist. This work includes techno economic
analysis. Of (PV) and concentrating solar thermal. Power (CSP) technologies.
Soft costs analysis of electricity markets
solar access, and environmental impact; and analysis of PV integration for grid
planning and reliable operation.
economic analyses of PV and CSP technologies enables reduction of the levelled
cost of energy (the cost of energy of a solar system that is based the System's
installed price), its total life time cost and its lifetime electricity
production. These analyses enable SETO to determine research directions that
will ultimately make solar energy. More affordable for all Americans. Analysis
also helps reduce soft costs. Research in this area develops a of such issues
as impact of different electricity market on the growth and value ,the barriers
to solar adoption and the valuation and operational performance of solar with
energy storage. Other soft cost reductions Can Come from environmental impact
analysis to better understand how Solar have a can Symbiotic relationship with
its environment.
data generated through Solar forecasting helps utilities and grid operators
better understand when, where and will be produced amount of solar will be
produced at any given time .as
increasing amounts of solar are added to the grid for casting data enables
increased grid flexibility and better incorporation of solar into energy mix
Analytical and computational tools enable researchers to develop technical solutions to support the range of solar stake holders and will help SETO.
Solar energy
reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere because it harnesses the
power of the sun energy with little to no gases being released.
The amount
of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere is way less from solar energy
compared to coal plants when seeking to produce the same amount of electrical
The benefits
of solar power to the environment include the provision of an inexhaustible
power supply of energy form the sun .solar panels captures the suns energy with
no harm to the environment
solar power is easier on health impacts ,land use ,water and carbon emissions
than energy generating means such as natural gas in fossil fuel and coal energy
residential solar power makes an environmental difference by offsetting
emissions of carbon dioxide.
solar power from home involves creating sustainable energy in addition to
reducing energy demands and the community’s demands for dependence on fossil
fuels for generation of electricity