Monday, 31 January 2022



Introduction to microprocessor and Organization of 8085


1.The register which stores the result of arithmetic and logic operations is called as ………… I. Program counter ii. Accumulator iii. Stack pointer IV. D. Temporary register .

2. Program counter in 8085 Microprocessor ………. I. Counts number of programs ii. Counts number of times a subroutine is called iii. Counts the number of times loop are executed IV. Points to the address of the next instruction to be executed Correct Answer 1 mark

3. In Intel 8085 Microprocessor, ALE signal made high to……. i. Enable AD0-AD7 bus to be used as lower order a. address bus ii. Enable AD0-AD7 bus to be used as data bus (D0-D7) iii. To halt the processor iv. D. To reset the microprocessor Correct Answer 1 mark

4. ………. is a non Vectored interrupt in 8085. i. RST 7.5 ii. RST 6.5 iii. INTR iv. TRAP Correct Answer 1 mark

5. ………….. is a lowest priority interrupt i. RST 5.5 ii. RST 6.5 iii. TRAP iv. INTR Correct Answer 1 mark

6. .......... is the only non- maskable interrupt i. TRAP ii. RST 5.5 iii. RST 7.5 iv. RST 6.5 Correct Answer 1 mark

7. ………….. is not valid register pair in 8085 microprocessor i. B C pair ii. H L pair iii. Accumulator and flag register iv. D E pair Correct Answer 1 mark

8 Which of the following statement for INTEL 8085 is correct?

i.                   Program counter specifies the address of the last instruction executed

ii.                ii. Program counter specifies the number of instructions executed so far

iii.              iii. Program counter specifies the address of the next instruction to be executed

iv.              iv. Program counter specifies the address of instruction being executed Correct Answer 1 mark



9. Which of the following data transfer is not possible in 8085 microprocessor? i. Memory to Accumulator

ii. Accumulator to memory

iii. Accumulator to I/O device

iv. Memory to memory Correct Answer 1 mark

10. If the status of S0 and S1 pin is low, the microprocessor performs the

i. Reset operation

ii. Halt operation

iii. Hold operation

iv. Interrupt acknowledge

11 In 8085 microprocessor, the stack works on the principle of……

i.                   First in first out( FIFO)

ii.                Last in last out( LILO)

iii.              Last in first out( LIFO)

iv.              iv. None  

12 8085 requires …….Power supply i. +5 V ii. +15 V iii. -5 V iv. +10V

13. The 8085 microprocessor can address …….. bytes of memory i. 1k ii. 4k iii. 128 k iv. 64K

14 In an Intel 8085 microprocessor, why is READY signal is used? i. To indicate that microprocessor is working and is ready for use ii. To provide proper WAIT states when the microprocessor is communicating with a slow peripheral device. iii. To slow down a fast peripheral device so as to communicate at the microprocessor’s device. iv. None of the above.

15 ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit ) of 8085 microprocessor consists of……….. i. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits Correct Answer 1 mark ii. Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags iii. Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits iv. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags

16 INTEL 8085 microprocessor was introduced in …… i. 1978 ii. 1976 iii. 1996 iv. 2003

17 The clock speed of 8085 microprocessor is ………… i. 2MHz ii. 10MHz iii. 3 MHz iv. 100Mhz

18 There are …………..general purpose registers in 8085 processor i. 3 ii. 7 iii. 10 iv. 6  

19 ……..signal is used as the system clock for devices connected with the microprocessor. i. X1,X2 ii. CLK OUT iii. RESET OUT iv. ALE Correct Answer 1 mark

20 In a flag register of 8085…………….. number of bits are unused i. 8 ii. 5 iii. 3 iv. 6

21 The vector address of TRAP interrupt is ……….. i. 002CH ii. 003CH iii. 0034H iv. 0024H

22 CPU generally contains storage device called……… i. ALU ii. Timing control unit iii. Counter iv. Register

23 ……….. register of 8085 is only used during arithmetic and logical operations and not for any other purpose i. Temporary ii. Acc iii. SP iv. B

24 …….. flag bit is reset, when flag register content is D4H. i. Sign ii. Zero iii. Carry iv. Auxiliary Carry

25 In 8085 microprocessor, serial data from external device is received Correct on……….pin i. SID ii. SOD iii. HOLD iv. READY

26 ………… is a software interrupt i. TRAP ii. RST 1 iii. RST 7.5 iv. INTR Correct Answer 1 mark

27 ……….. is a highest priority interrupt i. RST 5.5 ii. RST 6.5 iii. RST 7.5 iv. TRAP Correct Answer 1 mark

28 ……….. is a lowest priority interrupt i. RST 6.5 ii. TRAP iii. INTR iv. RST 5.5 Correct Answer 1 mark

29 The invalid register pair for 8085 microprocessor is……. i. BC ii. HL iii. PC iv. DE Correct Answer 1 mark

30 The valid register pair for 8085 microprocessor is……. i. PC ii. SP iii. BE iv. BC Correct Answer 1 mark

31 ………. Pin of 8085 microprocessor is used to send data serially out i. HOLD ii. SID iii. SOD iv. CLKOUT Correct Answer 1 mark

32 There are …….. flags in 8085 i. 10 ii. 5 iii. 8 iv. 3 Correct Answer 1 mark



3 Marks question

List any three primary functions of CPU of Microcomputer

Write any six features of 8085 Microprocessor

Draw functional pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor

Write the purpose of following pins of 8085 microprocessor Function of a) READY b) INTR c) X1 , X2

Differentiate between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O. Any three points

What is an interrupt? Explain in detail. Defination.

Explain organization of ALU with the help of simple block diagram

Write the function of following registers in 8085 a) Accumulator b) Instruction Register c) Stack pointer

Write the function of following pins of 8085 microprocessor a) CLKOUT b) SID c) ALE

Draw and explain programming model of 8085 Microprocessor.

List all the hardware interrupts according to their priority provided by 8085. Also write their vector addresses

Differentiate between hardware and software interrupt. Any three points –Define the following terms with suitable diagram a) Instruction cycle b)Machine cycle c) T state Each defination

Write short note on subroutine in 8085 microprocessor

Explain multiplex address/ data ( AD0-AD7) bus in 8085 Microprocessor Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts Any three points Draw labeled block diagram of Generic Microprocessor.

Describe the functions of following pins of 8085 microprocessor

a) RESETOUT b) HLDA c) S0, S1

Explain the function of ALU with simple block diagram

What are flags in 8085? Enlist the different flags provided by 8085 microprocessor.Also draw flag register diagram

Explain the function of following units in microprocessor 8085. a) ALU b) Program Counter c) Instruction decoder

Write a short note on flag register of 8085 microprocessor Flag register diagram .

Explain the zero and parity flags of 8085 with suitable diagram Zero flag –

What is Microprocessor? List its functions. Microprocessor

What is multiplexed address and data bus in 8085? give its advantages.

What is stack in 8085? List the instructions required for stack operations. Explain the following flags of 8085 microprocessor a) Carry b) Sign c) Zero


 In case of Microprocessor architecture, explain the following terms in brief

a)    Address Bus b) Data Bus c) Control Bus

What is a Subroutine in 8085? Give its related instructions in 8085 Subroutine - Explain ALU of Generic Microprocessor

Write a short note on evolutions of microprocessor giving example of each generation Evolutions

Write any four functions of CPU of Microcomputer system .

Draw a block diagram of Microcomputer system? Explain function of each block in brief

Draw a neat labeled block diagram of Generic microprocessor. Explain its functional units.

Write a short note on flag register of 8085 microprocessor .Explain the significance flag bits with one example

What are flags? Enlist the flags provided by 8085 Microprocessor .Explain when they are set or reset.

Draw a labeled functional block diagram of microprocessor 8085. 8085 diagram

Explain the function of following units in microprocessor 8085 a) Serial I/O control unit c) Stack Pointer b) Program counter d) Temporary register Function of each unit

Draw the bit pattern of flag register and explain the significance of each flag bit with one example Bit pattern

What hardware interrupts? Explain vectored and non vectored interrupts of 8085 microprocessor.

What is a interrupts? Differentiate between hardware and software interrupts. any 3 points.

Differentiate between maskable and Non-maskable interrupts Any four points What are vectored interrupt? What are maskable and Non maskable interrupts?

State all hardware interrupts of 8085 microprocessor with their priorities and vector addresses

What are I/O mapped I/O and Memory mapped I/O schemes? Which one 8085 uses.

















1. The _______ flag bit is reset, when flag register content is 95 H. i. P ii. Z iii. Ac iv. CY

2. _________ instruction belongs to data transfer group. i. LHLD address ii. CMA iii. JMP address iv. ANI data 1Mark

3. The instruction __________ will affect the zero flag without changing the contents of the accumulator. i. MVI A,00 ii. SUB A iii. XRA A iv. CMP A 1Mark

4. _______ instruction rotates contents of accumulator right through carry by 1 bit. i. RAC ii. RAL iii. RAR iv. RRC 1Mark

5. Instruction XCHG belongs to _______ addressing mode. i. Register ii. Register indirect iii. Direct iv. Immediate 1Mark

6. Addressing mode of ADD M is ______. i. Direct ii. Register Indirect iii. Implied iv. Immediate 1Mark

 7. _______ instruction is three byte instruction of 8085. i. CMA ii. ADI iii. XCHG iv. LDA 1Mark

 8. _______ instruction is used for 16 bit addition. i. ADD ii. ADI iii. ADC iv. DAD 1Mark

 9. The instruction MVI r, Data 8 is _______ byte instruction. i. Two ii. One iii. Three iv. Four 1Mark

10. During PUSH instruction of 8085 the stack pointer is _______. i. Incremented by 2 ii. Decremented by 2 iii. Incremented by 1 iv. Decremented by 1 1Mark

11. The contents of HL pair are CFFF H. After execution of instruction INX H, the contents will be _______. i. DFFF ii. CF00 iii. CFF0 iv. D000 1Mark

12. When ________ instruction is executed, no operation is performed; only this instruction is fetched and decoded. i. HLT ii. RST 1 iii. NOP iv. RIM 1Mark

13. _______ flag is affected by instruction RRC of 8085. i. Carry ii. Zero iii. Parity iv. all 1Mark

14. The contents of HL pair are 2A00 H. After execution of instruction DCX H, the contents will be _______. i. 2900 ii. 29FF iii. 1A00 iv. 1AFF 1Mark

15. Invalid register pair for 8085 microprocessor is _______. i. SP ii. BC iii. HL iv. DE 1Mark

3 Mark Questions

The accumulator of 8085 microprocessor contains data F2H. What will be contents of accumulator after execution of each of the following instruction independently? a) XRI 3BH b) RLC c) SUI AEH

3. The accumulator of 8085 microprocessor contains data 3CH. What will be the effect on its content if following instructions are executed independently? a) ANI 05H b) RRC c) MOV B, A

4. Explain the register and direct addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor with example of each

5. Explain the following instructions with suitable example

a)DAA b) LDAX rp c) SHLD address

Explain the following instructions with suitable example.

a)RAR b) ADC r c) CPI data instruction

Explain the following instructions of 8085 microprocessor with suitable example a)SPHL b) CMA c) PUSH PSW

What are the groups in which instructions in 8085 are classified? Give one example of each group. Correct explanation with example.

What do you understand by register indirect and implicit addressing modes?

Explain with suitable example. List down instructions which make accumulator content clear

What are branching instructions? Explain the jumping instructions with jump conditions.






CHAPTER 3 - Introduction to INTEL X-86 Family

1 Pentium processor has ….. bit data bus and ……bit address bus i. 64, 32 ii. 32, 64 iii. 32, 32 iv. 16, 32 Correct answer - 1mark

2 8086 is a ……. bit processor i. 32 ii.8 iii.16 iv.64 Correct answer - 1mark

3 The maximum physical memory can be addressed by Pentium is …… i. 16Gbytes ii. 64 kbytes iii. 4 Gbyte iv. 1Mbytes Correct answer - 1mark

4 Which One of the following is not feature of Pentium processor ……. i. Can address 4G bytes of memory ii. Branch prediction iii. 32 bit data path iv. On chip caches Correct answer - 1mark

5 …………. Processor uses non multiplex address bus i. 8085 ii. 8086 iii. 80386 iv. 80286 Correct answer - 1mark

6 80386 is a ……. i. 32 bit Microprocessor ii. 16 bit Microprocessor iii. 64 bit Microprocessor iv. 8 bit Microprocessor Correct answer - 1mark

7 ……….. Microprocessor has built in math coprocessor i. 8086 ii. 8088 iii. 80386 iv. 80486 Correct answer - 1mark

8 The size of Accumulator in 32 bit Microprocessor is ……….. i. 16 bit ii. 32 bit iii. 8 bit iv. 64 bit Correct answer - 1mark

3 Marks question

1 List the advanced microprocessors of INTEL X-86 family and mention three attributes of any one them. List – 1 mark Three attribute- 3 Mark

 2 Explain the main features of a Pentium Processor Explanation of each feature1mark 1X4 =4 marks

3 Explain the advantage of the Pentium processor with respect to the following features a) Dual pipelining c) on chip caches b) Branch prediction d)64 bit data path 1 mark each 1 X 4 =4

4 Explain programming model for 16 bit version of X-86 family with suitable diagram Diagram - 1 mark Explanation3 mark

5 Compare any four attributes of 80286 and Pentium microprocessor 1 mark each point 1X4 =4

6 State four differentiating features among any two X-86 family Microprocessor 1 mark each 1 x4=4

7 Draw a neat labeled diagram of flag register of X-86 family Labeled Diagram of X86 flag register - 4 Marks

8 Draw neat labeled diagram of flag register of 8086 family Labeled diag - 4 marks

9 Explain programming model for 32 bit version of X-86 family with suitable diagram. Diagram - 1 mark Explanation3 mark

10 Draw programming models of X-86 16 bit and X-86 32 bit Microprocessor 16 bit Diagram -2mark 32 bit model diagram – 2 mark

11 Compare any four attributes of 80286 and 80486 Each attribute - 1 mark - 1X4=4

12 Compare any four attributes of 80386 and Pentium processor Each attribute - 1 mark - 1X4=4

13 Compare any four attributes of 80486 and Pentium processor Each attribute - 1 mark - 1X4=4

14 Compare any four attributes of 8086 microprocessor with Pentium processor Each attribute - 1 mark - 1 X4 =4

15 Write important features of any two microprocessors in X-86 family in brief Any two processor features- 2 mark each 2+2=4










Chapter 4: Introduction to Microcontroller

MCQ 1 MARK Q. No. Question Marking scheme

1 8051 microcontroller IC have ______ number of 8 bit I/O ports. i) 1 ii) 2 iii) 4 iv) 8 Correct answer 1 mark

2 The 8051 microcontroller has instruction set of _______instructions. i) 101 ii) 110 iii) 99 iv) 111 correct answer 1 mark

3 _____ is a microcontroller chip. i) Intel 8085 ii) Intel 8086 iii) Intel 8052 iv) Intel 8008 Correct answer 1 mark

4 8051 is a ____ bit Microcontroller. i) 8 ii) 4 iii) 16 iv) 32 Correct answer 1 mark

5 _________ is a Microcontroller. i) 8086 ii) 8051 iii) 8088 iv) 80286

6 Internal data memory of a Microcontroller is _____. i) 128 bytes ii) 128 k bytes iii) 256 bytes iv) 4 k bytes Correct answer 1 mark

7 _______ is a characteristic feature of 8051 Microcontroller. i) Four 8 bit I/O ports ii) Two 8 bit I/O ports iii) 4 KB RAM iv) Four external Interrupts. Correct answer 1 mark

8 Which of the following is not a part of an 8051 single chip microcontroller? i) A 4 kbyte ROM ii) Dual serial port iii) 128 byte RAM Correct answer 1 mark iv) Four 8 bit parallel I/O ports

9 8051 Microcontroller has clock up to _________. i) 12 MHz ii) 4 MHz iii) 9 MHz iv) 6 MHz Correct answer 1 mark

10 The 8051 is a _____ generation microcontroller. i) First ii) Second iii) Third iv) Fourth Correct answer 1 mark

11 The 8051 has ALU of _____ capacity. i) 64 bit i ii) 32 bit iii) 16 bit iv) 8 bit Correct answer 1 mark

12 Internal program memory of 8052 microcontroller is _____. i) 4 byte ii) 16 k byte iii) 8 k byte i iv) 64 k byte Correct answer 1 mark

13 __________ is not a microcontroller. i) 8052 ii) Pentium iii) 8031 iv) 8048 Correct answer 1 mark 14 8051 microcontroller have _______ external interrupts. i) 1 ii) 2 iii) 3 iv) 4 Correct answer 1 mark

3 Marks Question

1 Write any two features of following Microcontrollers: 1. 8049 2. 8052 3. 8031 1Mark each: ½ x 2

2 State any six features of 8051 Microcontroller ½ x 6 = 3 Mark

3 Explain memory register map of 8051 microcontroller with suitable diagram. 3 Mark

4 State three expanded features of 8052 over 8051 Microcontroller. 1 Mark x 3 Q. No. Question Marking scheme

5 What is microcontroller? Write any two of its advantages over microprocessor. 1 Mark 2 Mark

6 Compare Microcontrollers 8051 and 8052 . 1 Mark x 3

7 Write the RAM and ROM size of 8048, 8049 and 8050 RAM ½ microcontrollers. Mark x 3 ROM ½ Mark x 3

8 Differentiate between microcontroller and a microprocessor. 1 Mark x 3

9 State any six applications of a Microcontroller. ½ x 6 = 3 Mark

4 Marks Question

1 Write any two features of following Microcontrollers: i) 8048 ii) 8052 iii) 8031 iv) 8050 1Mark x 4

2 Explain with diagram, memory register map of 8051 Microcontroller. Diagram 2 Mark Explanation 2 Mark

3 Give any eight important features of 8051 Microcontroller. ½ Mark x 8

4 State and explain major features of 8051 Microcontroller. 1Mark x 4

5 Explain in detail how 8051 microcontroller addresses two separate memory spaces. 2Mark x 2

6 Discuss the microcontrollers in 8051 family. Main members of 8051 family 2Mark x 2

7 What is microcontroller? State any three advanced features of 8052 Microcontroller over 8051 microcontroller. 1 Mark 1 Mark x 3


Chapter 5: Networking Technology

MCQ - 1 MARK Q. No. Question Marking scheme

1 In _______ Topology all devices are connected to a central hub. i) Ring ii) Star iii) Bus iv) None of the above Correct answer 1 mark

2 The mobile phone uses _______transmission technology. i) Radio ii) Microwave iii) Infrared iv) Satellite Correct answer 1 mark

3 _______ cable uses light signals to transmit data. i) Fiber optic ii) Coaxial iii) UTP iv) STP Correct answer 1 mark

4 If length of the cable is very long then ______ is used in between to bring the weak signal to its original level. i) MODEM ii) HUB iii) REPEATER iv) ROUTER Correct answer 1 mark

5 _____ is an example of wireless media. i) Optic fiber ii) Microwave iii) UTP i iv) STP correct answer 1 mark

6 The installation cost of ______ cable is maximum. i) STP ii) UTP iii) Fiber optic iv) Co-axial Correct answer 1 mark

7 ______cable type is ideal for connecting between two buildings. i) UTP ii) STP Correct answer 1 mark iii) Co axial iv) Flat

8 If the network is to be executed beyond predefined cable limit _______ is used. i) Modem ii) Repeater iii) Hub iv) router Correct answer 1 mark

9 The process of modulation and demodulation is done by a device namely _______. i) Hub ii) Repeater iii) Router iv) Modem Correct answer 1 mark

10 All the systems on a network must follow a set of common rules called as _______. i) Interface ii) Protocol iii) Conventions iv) None of the above Correct answer 1 mark

11 _______cable has highest sensitivity to EMI. i) STP ii) Fiber optic iii) UTP iv) Co axial Correct answer 1 mark

12 BUS topologies are suitable for networks that uses _____ access methods. i) Contention based ii) token passing iii) polling iv) None of these Correct answer 1 mark

13 _______ does not regenerate the computer signal in networks. i) Passive hub ii) Active hub iii) Repeater iv) All the three Correct answer 1 mark

14 ______cable type supports the greatest cable length for computer networking. i) UTP ii) STP iii) Thick net co axial iv) Thin net co axial Correct answer 1 mark

15 _______cable has highest bandwidth. i) Fiber Optic ii) UTP iii) STP i iv) co axial Correct answer 1 mark

16 EMI is minimum in case of _______ cable. i) Fiber Optic ii) UTP iii) STP iv) co axial Correct answer 1 mark

3 Mark questions

1 Explain HUB and Repeater in detail. 1 ½ mark each

2 Explain Fiber optic cable with a suitable diagram. Diagram 1 Mark Explanation 2 Mark

3 Explain the following attributes of transmission medium : i) Bandwidth ii) Band usage iii) Attenuation. 1 Mark x 3

4 Define Bus, Ring, Star topologies. Draw simple diagrams for each. 1 Mark each : Def. ½ Mark Diagram ½ Mark

5 Explain Ring topology with diagram. State its two advantages. Explanation 1 & ½ Diagram ½ Mark Advantages ½ x 2Mark

6 Write a short note on STP cable with suitable diagram and give its any two characteristics. Diagram 1Mark Explanation 1 Mark Charac. ½ x 2 Mark

7 What is modem? Explain working of MODEM and specify types of MODEMS. 1 Mark 2 Mark

8 Explain UTP cable with its any four characteristics. UTP cable 1Mark Charac. ½ x 4 Mark

9 Explain co axial cable with suitable diagram and give its any two advantages. Diagram 1Mark Explanation 1 Mark Advant. ½ x 2 Mark

10 Give at least two advantages and one disadvantage of wireless media over cable media. Advantages 2 Mark Disadv. 1Mark

11 List various network access methods and explain any one of them. Methods ½ x 3 Explanation 1 1/2

12 Explain the following attributes of transmission medium : i) Installation requirement ii) EMI iii) Attenuation. 1 Marks each

13 Enlist three types of hubs. Write its functions in one sentence. ½ mark each ½ marks each

14 Explain function of Router in the network. List different types of routers. 2 marks 1 marks

15 What is meant by protocol? Explain concept of TCP /IP protocol. 1 mark 2 marks

16 Distinguish between STP and UTP cables. ( Any three points ) 1 mark x 3

17 Differentiate between LAN and WAN. ( Any three points ) 1 mark x3

18 Enlist six characteristics of transmission media. ½ x 6 = 3 mark

19 Explain STAR topology with diagram. Also give two advantages and disadvantages. Diagram 1 mark Advantages ½ x 2 Mark Disadvantages ½ x 2 Mark

20 Compare any three characteristics of Twisted pair cable with coaxial cable. 1Mark x 3

21 What is wireless media? Write any two advantages of wireless media. 1Mark 2 Mark

22 Write a short note on Modem. 3 Mark

4 Marks question

1 Explain any four characteristics of transmission media.

2 Explain STAR and RING Topologies with suitable diagram. For each topology: Mark Diagram 1 Mark Explanation 1 Mark

3 Explain following network devices with diagram i) Router ii) Repeater For each device 2Mark Diagram 1 Mark Explanation 1 Mark

4 Explain in brief the following access method: i) Contention ii) Token passing 2 Mark 2 Mark

5 Explain Token passing and Polling access method. 2 Mark for each method 6 Differentiate between co-axial cable and fiber optic cable. 1Mark x 4

7 What is transmission media? Give six characteristics of transmission media. 1 Mark ½ Mark x 6

8 What is Ethernet? Write a short note on Ethernet. 1 Mark 3 Mark

9 Compare any four attributes of Coaxial thicknet cable with UTP cable. 1 Mark x 4

10 Explain the following attributes of transmission medium : i) Bandwidth ii) EMI iii) Band usage iv) Attenuation. 1 Mark x 4

11 Compare any four attributes of UTP and optical fiber cable. 1 Mark x 4

12 Write any two advantages and two disadvantages of optical fiber cable. Advantages 2 Mark Disadvantages 2 Mark

13 What is network topology? Explain in brief two basic categories of topology. 1 Mark 1 ½ Mark each