Board examination paper 2014
State Board MH
Question paper format
Fill in the blanks ( 5 marks)
True or false (5 marks)
Multiple choice one answer (6 marks)
Multiple choice two answers (4 marks)
Answer the following ( 12 marks)
Answer in brief (8 marks)
Fill in the blanks
www stands for __________________________ converts voice signal from telephone into a digital signal that can travel over internet.
___________ is a virtual version of something in the real world.
MANGAL font is used for typing in _______language.
Electronic commerce is commonly known as _________
State True of False
Simulation is not used in researchNetworking and internet are backbone of banking systems
Computer cannot harm users if they use it for long hours frequently
Translation and transliteration mean the same
GEOGEBRA screen is divided into 3 parts
MCQ ( 1 answer)
The term ____generally refers to society where knowledge is the primary production source(information technology , knowledge society, gathering , information literacy )__________editor can be used to create and post blogs (notepad,HTML, paint ,word)
Computer modeling is representation___________dimensional objects on a computer( 4 , 2, many , 3)
RTGS stands for ________gross settlement ( read time , real time , real term, time ready)
______________provides different ways of manipulating diagram and data ( ICT,IPT,ICC,TIC)
___________ is used to input data required for geometric constructions and calculations ( scroll bar , input bar , output bar , menu bar )
MCQ ( 2 answers)
_____________ and ___________ are map layers (navigation ,traffic, position, photos)Computer model refers to ___________ and _____________ used to capture behavior of the system being modulated ( algorithm , equation , program , summation )
_____________ and ____________are popular discussion groups ( Netscape, Facebook , orkut , Mozilla)
Different complicated _____________and ______________constructions can be easily understood with the help of geogebra ( questions , GK ,theorems, geometrical)
Answer in brief
What is Google earth
Write steps to Draw line segment of 6.3 cm using “segment with a given length tool”.
Board examination paper 2015
State Board MH
The word BLOG is formed from ___________
ICT is used as a ______ that supplements traditional teaching and learning of science and mathematics
People choose __________communication rather than real time conversations .
The transliteration page uses ________ to encode the local language characters.
ICT tools do not help students to manipulate diagrams dynamically
E-commerce makes buying and selling activity slower
For Marathi language MANGAL font is used for typing
Students can learn MATHS with help of MS-WORD
_______ is a virtual representation of real market ( EDI ,internet commerce, E-market, internet)
Simulation creates a _____model of system (artificial, natural, physical, biological)
GUI stands for _____( graph user interface, graph used internet, graphical user interface, graphical user interaction)
__________ has opened door to access information worldwide
The geogebra screen is divided into ___________ parts ( 2 , 5 , 3 , 7)
21st century has created new global economy which is powered by __________ and fueled by ________ and driven by knowledge
To carry out electronic transactions ___________and _______ cards are used
(mobile , debit ,pan , credit)
In Geogebra ______view shows geometric constructions and ________view shows mathematical calculations
(input bar ,algebra , construction , graphic )
Question paper format
Fill in the blanks ( 5 marks)
True or false (5 marks)
Multiple choice one answer (6 marks)
Multiple choice two answers (4 marks)
Answer the following ( 12 marks)
Answer in brief (8 marks)
Fill in the blanks
ICT stands for _________________The word BLOG is formed from ___________
ICT is used as a ______ that supplements traditional teaching and learning of science and mathematics
People choose __________communication rather than real time conversations .
The transliteration page uses ________ to encode the local language characters.
State True of False
Facebook is a popular discussion group on the internetICT tools do not help students to manipulate diagrams dynamically
E-commerce makes buying and selling activity slower
For Marathi language MANGAL font is used for typing
Students can learn MATHS with help of MS-WORD
MCQ ( 1 answer)
______ is a information highway ( data ,internet, Information Technology , Google)_______ is a virtual representation of real market ( EDI ,internet commerce, E-market, internet)
Simulation creates a _____model of system (artificial, natural, physical, biological)
GUI stands for _____( graph user interface, graph used internet, graphical user interface, graphical user interaction)
__________ has opened door to access information worldwide
The geogebra screen is divided into ___________ parts ( 2 , 5 , 3 , 7)
MCQ ( 2 answers)
Password is also known as __________( TIPCODE , BARCODE, CAPCPDE,CARCODE)21st century has created new global economy which is powered by __________ and fueled by ________ and driven by knowledge
To carry out electronic transactions ___________and _______ cards are used
(mobile , debit ,pan , credit)
In Geogebra ______view shows geometric constructions and ________view shows mathematical calculations
(input bar ,algebra , construction , graphic )
Answer the following
Define the term ICT
Write any advantages of VOIP
Write any four MAP layers
What is computer modeling
Write the benefits of ICT in science and mathematics
Give the output of following using Baraha IME a. Namah b.Shubh
Write 2 uses of geogebra in algebra
Draw the following construction tools a. regular polygon b. Tangents
Answer in brief
Write a note on information highway
Explain e-banking in brief
Write steps to draw an angle with 75 degree using angle with given size tool